Proven Ways To Get a Fuck Buddy

Fuck buddies are a lot of fun. They’re always on call, which means sex is available on tap. And because they’re just your buddy, you don’t need to be responsible for them.
In other words, it’s sex without the drama and baggage that comes with a full-on, committed relationship. Boom.
One snag: How do you get a fuck buddy in the first place? It’s not easy – but neither is it rocket science. In this article, I’m going to run you through some PROVEN ways to get a fuck buddy in 2020.
Visit College Campuses
College campuses are ripe with potential fuck buddies. Freshman students are especially open to the idea of having a fuck buddy because they’re young, they’re finally away from home and they just want to live a little. They don’t necessarily want to be tied down to one person.
Flirting on a college campus isn’t too difficult either. And if you get knocked back by someone, don’t worry about it – there’ll be lots of other opportunities.
Ideally, you want to make your intentions known to someone as soon as possible when you make your initial approach. Flirt, be friendly, make jokes, and – when the time is right – don’t be afraid to touch their hair or arm. More than anything, make it known (without actually saying it) that you’re looking for a hookup. This means not getting involved in any deep, meaningful conversation.
PS don’t talk about being fuck buddies until after you’ve boned.
Use Hookup Apps
There are dating apps – and then there are hookup apps. These are apps that are aimed specifically at people who are looking for casual sex, such as fuck buddies.
There are plenty of hookup apps out there, but the best ones include AdultFriendFinder and Tinder. Tinder is completely free, and while some use it to find serious relationships, as long as you make your intentions known in your profile what you’re looking for, you can totally find a fuck buddy using this app.
AdultFriendFinder, meanwhile, is a premium adult dating site that requires you to upgrade your account in order to send messages. But because it’s literally created for casual sex encounters of all kinds, it’s well worth creating an account. It’s home to millions of other users who are looking for the same thing you are, and it’s a lot more convenient than spending hours trawling bars. You could easily be arranging to meet a fuck buddy within hours of signing up.
Flirt With Friends
Initiating a friends with benefits situation with an actual existing friend isn’t easy, and you must tread delicately. However, you can start by flirting with a friend you’ve known for a while, and who you know is single (and who you get the feeling has always fancied you).
Then, once you’ve had sex, you can discuss the possibility of being fuck buddies. Note that you mustn’t talk about this BEFORE you have sex. That’s just plain wrong. You also can’t have sex more than once and assume they feel the same way about you (that you’re just fuck buddies). As soon as you bone, talk about being fuck buddies. Get it out of the way.
The easiest way to have this conversation, by the way, is to be jokey and playful. If you’re serious and sombre, it just won’t work. Be casual, be confident and poke a bit of fun. Relax. Take it easy. You’re not asking them to marry you here. They’re your friend who you’ve known for a while so talk to them like you always have done. After all, sex is just sex. It doesn’t have to be something that makes us feel embarrassed or nervous to talk about.
Go In Search Of Cougars
Cougars who are recently divorced are prime fuck buddy material.
Because they have low expectations right now. They’ve just fought through an emotional divorce battle, they’re sick and tired of long-term relationships – and they just want some fun.
Finding cougars means you’ll have to visit different places than you might be accustomed to. For example, you’ll need to go to high-class cocktail bars and hotel bars, as well as old-school discos (“eighties” nights are worth a look) and karaoke bars.
You should even try different tactics, such as going volunteering. Don’t forget to sign up to an app like Cougar Life, too.
Visit Bookstores
Bookstores are amazing places to find fuck buddies in 2020.
How come?
Because there’s always a cute someone in there who’s smart, attractive – and a little bit bored with life.
Naturally, you can’t spend your whole day prowling the same bookstore hoping to meet someone. But if you pop in and out of different bookstores and spot someone who’s browsing a book you’ve read (or at least heard of), you’ve got a chance to open a conversation with them and take it from there.
Your best bet is to keep them engaged until you hookup (preferably that night). Maybe you could ask them for a coffee after they’ve finished looking at books. Once you’ve had sex, you could jokingly suggest the idea of being fuck buddies.
Whatever You Do, Be Direct – Never Lead Someone On
The easiest way to go from landing a fuck buddy to a stage-four clinger who’s fallen in love with you is to lead someone on.
If you’re worried that you won’t be able to hookup with someone unless you dangle the carrot of a relationship in front of them, move on from them instantly. Leading someone on is not cool and will only cause you stress in the long run.
When it comes to hooking up and turning someone into a fuck buddy, you must establish your intentions as soon as possible. This means not asking them out on a proper date, not “being there” for them when they need someone to talk to, and not talking about the future with them.
Moreover, if you take the direct and upfront approach, you will find it easier to find someone who’s on your level.
I’ll level with you – finding a fuck buddy won’t be easy, because fuck buddies are, in many ways, the jackpot.
But if you use the tips in this article and do the right things (NEVER lead someone on), you can for sure bag at least one fuck buddy right away.
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